I bumped into this fascinating clock. I think the concept behind it is so amazing that i can't really describe it properly in order to make justice to it. Please take the time to check it out and read a little bit of the thought that was put behind it.
Click on the image or Here
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Something for my Lady-Friends
This is for shoe lovers in general. i have lately been really attracted to shoe design. i love industrial design and i think that creating the perfect shoe is perhaps much more complicated than creating the perfect chair.
i bumped into this website and immediately fell in love with the shoes in it. i had already seen a couple of them but didn't know who was the creative mind behind them. regardless... i really like them. Maybe someday i would embark onto a shoe designing task. Meanwhile, enjoy.
industrial design,
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tonight i've been browsing through some old files in my HD. (Yep, one of those nights when cleanup turns into re-storing). And I bumped into some folders containing artists and pieces of work i found interesting at some point. And one peculiar thing I noticed was that almost all the artists I found in there were really different to me (aesthetically) Among these were Sigmar Polke, who for a long period of time was my favorite artist. Oldenburg, and Cy Twombly. I don't know why, but no matter how much i like them and how much i admire their way of thinking and processes, my work looks different. to my eyes at least. I bet that after reading this some of you might find some similarities of not; but the bottom line is that i am happy that at least i know I am not copying them blatantly or on the verge of considering myself heavily influenced.
Regardless, I don't think that looking like someone you like or admire is a bad thing. We all have to start somewhere. I once read this quote "it's not where you take it from, but where you take it to". The key about not falling into any sort of plagiarism of being accused of copying or "looking like" is to keep an eye open to everything. Rojas would always criticize me for spending lots of time "researching" when in reality i was just looking. If i had a poster assignment, i would look at posters; if i had to do a logo, I would look at logos... and so on. Even with all the "cool" animations i would find and love, my applied design was stagnant. So, to avoid this, just look at everything.. i mean STUDY everything you LOOK at. Who knows? maybe you can find a really obscure detail about a piece that will trigger your creative juices.. or to completely get you over it.
Regardless, I don't think that looking like someone you like or admire is a bad thing. We all have to start somewhere. I once read this quote "it's not where you take it from, but where you take it to". The key about not falling into any sort of plagiarism of being accused of copying or "looking like" is to keep an eye open to everything. Rojas would always criticize me for spending lots of time "researching" when in reality i was just looking. If i had a poster assignment, i would look at posters; if i had to do a logo, I would look at logos... and so on. Even with all the "cool" animations i would find and love, my applied design was stagnant. So, to avoid this, just look at everything.. i mean STUDY everything you LOOK at. Who knows? maybe you can find a really obscure detail about a piece that will trigger your creative juices.. or to completely get you over it.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Rat King it is!
Yep... i decide that I am going to dress as the Rat King for Halloween. The idea struck me while i was giving up on dressing up as something cool (cool under my standards that is) I decided to think of what are the easiest or lamest costumes that we often see around, and a mummy was one of them. a face wrapped in bandages triggered my childhood memories about the ninja turtles and the Rat King (one of my favorites). I started thinking on what would i need to accomplish it and it all seemed pretty do-able... So, I will be the Rat King )with slight variations that is)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Scary Scary Crunch-Time!
This is the terrifying story about the graphic designer who wound up wearing a lame costume at Halloween! muaahahahaha!... ok that was just sad. Anyway, i'm posting this because i was wondering if its just me or does everyone have a hard time picking up their costume. I NEVER LIKE ANYTHING. The idea has to feel completely original to me, otherwise i don't like it even if it has proven to be a badass costume. Also I think it has to represent me. If it's meant to be a witty costume, it has to match my type of wittiness. if it has to be a scary costume, it has to match my type of scariness. i don't know if this could possibly be related to how i am as a design... but i'm starting to think it does. and this is really affecting my "delivery" during parties.
There are some setbacks that also influence my final costume decision. The first problem i notice is that it takes ages for me to settle for one idea or to like one. i would get excited by a costume one day only to discard it the next day. but let's say i agree on one costume. During the process of gathering the elements and materials i will need, I start to discourage myself into embarking on the project; due to availability, malleability, and comfortableness (how am I gonna drink or go to the bathroom). Let's assume I somehow figure out these problems and don't get discouraged on doing it. by the time I'm ready to start the building process i realize it's already too late and i have to rush things. And the final product ends up being... well... okay... a cool idea; but poorly executed. I do find some scary similarities on how we are supposed to tackle projects. You have to settle for an idea you want represent, then you have to gather all the resources you can find about the certain project and filter it into what is going to be best. And after you have figure it out, its production time. So, I think the key for a succesful Halloween costume and for a formidable designed campaign is... time management.
Anyway, i was wondering if any of you go through some similar setbacks, or if there's a part of you that also influences your decisions. Also check out the link for time management article if you like.
time management,
Friday, October 15, 2010
Me disponía a continuar con mi recopilación de eventos en el pasado mes; pero... me tope con este post que aparecio en mi google reader. Lo vi y simplemente me dieron ganas de vomitar. No puedo creer que aun exista gente tan retrograda en los Estados Unidos y peor aun que sean (o intenten) ser alguien en la política de el país.
Según yo, Estados Unidos era considerado un país que ya se encontraba en una etapa post-racismo. Todos eran considerados iguales (ante la ley al menos) y cualquier indicio de racismo era visto de mala manera... mmmm... pues creo que aunado a la ley de AZ, los "minute men", etc. estos anuncios de campañas políticas estupidas vienen a comprobar lo contrario. Lo peor y mas triste es que este tipo de personas tienen seguidores...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I've Been Gone a Long Time
It has been over a month since i have posted anything... bad. bad. bad. Mainly because I've been having problems with my (shared) internet service. i find it really discouraging the fact that i drops every minute in the middle of every activity.
I guess the best i can do is to make a list of this month's (or so) interesting events (kind-off). I'll do one event at a time:
* I quit my kickball team *
After many weeks and almost seasons of discomfort due to the differences with the coach's management... I parted ways with LTA (Los Totally Awesomes). There have been some who have left the team before. But i believe i was the first to actually switch to another team. Also this decision incited the departure of many who where unhappy with the path this team was going to. some started their own team, some switched leagues, and others simply quit kickball. I'm not sure how many of the original LTA still remain in the team. I agree that some of the new blood that was brought into the team increased the level of competitiveness; but some also really brought it down.
Probably the thing that gave me that little push to switch teams was the shift in attitude. the first seasons it was all about fun, and in the later seasons this was replaced with a delusional "we-well-beat-everyone" mentality. I'm not saying i like to lose but... come on... "it's just kickball".
Mainly, i just got tired of riding the bench just because i wouldn't go to "practice".. yes... "kickball practice".
So long LTA. I will always remember you fondly. See you on the other side of the field
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Mi debilidad
Hoy renové mi subscripción a IDN. Si no han escuchado hablar de la revista, les sugiero que se tomen un minuto para checar su pagina o que cuando esteen en el barnes & noble de su preferencia vayan a la seccion de revistas de diseño y la hojeen por unos segundos.
En fin... el caso es que hoy renové mi subscripción. no lo habia hecho porque habia andado un poco distraido y se me habia olvidado, ademas de que perdí mi forma para renovar. Tengo que admitir que a la hora de pagar si me duele el codo... pero al momento de recibir la primer revista me olvida lo que gaste. No se que tene esta revista que me encanta. Es como si tuvieras una novia(o) que te hace gastar mucho dinero, que se viste toda "hipster" y despide un aire de arrogancia como diciendo... nunca seras como yo... pero... no puedes dejarla; todo porque al final del dia nada se compara con sentirla entre tus manos. Las tintas, el papel, la inspiración.. el dvd.. simplemente me hipnotizan.... Creo que IDN sera mi vicio hasta que muera (o hasta que estee en banca rota, cualquiera que pase primero)
PD esta es su publicacion #100
En fin... el caso es que hoy renové mi subscripción. no lo habia hecho porque habia andado un poco distraido y se me habia olvidado, ademas de que perdí mi forma para renovar. Tengo que admitir que a la hora de pagar si me duele el codo... pero al momento de recibir la primer revista me olvida lo que gaste. No se que tene esta revista que me encanta. Es como si tuvieras una novia(o) que te hace gastar mucho dinero, que se viste toda "hipster" y despide un aire de arrogancia como diciendo... nunca seras como yo... pero... no puedes dejarla; todo porque al final del dia nada se compara con sentirla entre tus manos. Las tintas, el papel, la inspiración.. el dvd.. simplemente me hipnotizan.... Creo que IDN sera mi vicio hasta que muera (o hasta que estee en banca rota, cualquiera que pase primero)
PD esta es su publicacion #100
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I'm so glad i saw this in person
I had the opportunity the see this piece (among many other fascinating pieces) about two weeks ago. there was this really cool opening at my university... "contraflujo: Independence and revolution"... and i was just blown away by it. I went on and checked out all the artists involved with it and the rest of their work left me completely speechless. the picture depicted here is from Marcela Armas I-Machinarus. She is definetly worth checking out. These are the other artists that were part of the exhibit: Gilberto Esparza, Arcangel constantini, Ivan Abreu, Ivan Puig, Rogelio Sosa and Laura Valencia.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
TakePart: Participant Media - Waiting For 'Superman' - Infographic from Jr.canest on Vimeo.
Una vez en el trabajo tuve que aprender a utilizar After Effects de Adobe. Teniamos que realizar un proyecto que de alguna forma se prestaba para poder hacer algo diferente. Asi que sugeri utilizar algo de movimiento. Esta era una oportunidad que no podia dejar pasar para poder aprender a utilizar este programa. Desde ese momento me enamore de los graficos en movimiento.
Este es video es el que mas me ha cautivado de los ultimos que he visto por ahi. ojala y a ustedes tambien los cautive
Monday, August 23, 2010
Perdiendo mi virginidad blooguera/Popping my blog-cherry
Me llamo isaac y este es mi primer post. En este espacio planeo compartir cosas que me llaman la atencion asi como proyectos propios y una que otra idea que me venga a la mente.
Soy un disenador grafico que reside en la frontera de El Paso Tx y Ciudad Juarez. Con el tiempo iran conociendo un poco mas de mi... por cierto. A veces escribire en ingles haha
Soy un disenador grafico que reside en la frontera de El Paso Tx y Ciudad Juarez. Con el tiempo iran conociendo un poco mas de mi... por cierto. A veces escribire en ingles haha
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